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Gay sex game playthrough

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– Also, in the bathroom, walk by the mirror in the bottom left. That will allow you to buy a drink from the bartender. When he’s on the ground, his wallet is by his pants on the floor, take his money by clicking on it with the mouse.

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– Go to the bathroom and get the guy there off (learning move 3). When you have the note and interact with the bouncer, the option should come up saying “I have a note from Billy” that will get you in the club for the rest of the game. Pick that up by clicking on it with the mouse, then go to the bouncer. Next to the magazine on the ground is a crumpled up piece of paper. – After you get the trashcan guy off (learning move 2), he goes away and the trash can falls over. There aren’t too many dialog options, so getting to the right option shouldn’t be too hard, so I am leaving that part out.

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